Thursday, March 19, 2009

The plants.

Even the smallest possible form of the various sources of information. When we discuss any topic in the study group, we look over all possible sources. Video - this is accessible to modern children. A source in the form of a computer - this, too many have representation. Even on the Internet from older brothers heard. Children's Encyclopedia of informative images are not in deficit. Well, the main source of information for the child, of course, an adult. Children typically say: I can ask my mother or a grandmother. We have during the course Always secure the phone in the group. We extend it through the long wires. Then someone from the children can call home and ask questions of his house. What the questions are asked? To gather as much source material, which then would be classified. But the children do not know how to write or read. But they are in the process of master classes pictorial - using icons and pictures. For example, we conduct a study on . How to identify the rabbit? Draw a circle and ears. Rabbits are big and small. Draw a big circle with ears and a small circle with ears. Rabbits - Pets. Drawing house, and it - a circle with ears. For these cards, then reproduce the drawings of children of some text. Each child is special . At the folder - pocket. At the pocket - icons depicting methods. This is a reminder of how to act. For this dad a child moves in a space research. Learn something new, sat down, put the folder on your knees, it - the paper did risunochek placed in the correct pocket. Or simply repeated the icon on the card to remember: it is such a method to use any information learned through it. Well, the hypothesis? How children can construct conjectures?

Homeland wild rabbits

Well, first, I tell children that there is such a word . Explain that it means. Then they remember: the hypothesis is usually begins with the words: maybe, what if, let's suppose. The ability to raise the hypothesis is closely related to the ability to raise questions and seek answers to them in different ways. Suppose you convinced me and the readers that children can engage in research activities ... And it will not differ from the scheme, which usually operates an adult scientist.- Yes. But if the teacher has not explored how it can engage in such activities with the children? Specifics of the research training that you can teach what he did not know how. But you should be open to new skills. And this should contribute to raising the overall situation. And a teacher and activities, and activities of children. Because it ridiculous to believe that research can be organized in the cool-fixed system in the presence of 26 people in a group or class. Research calls for new forms of learning, individual work, work in pairs or in groups. And it is not usual for a teacher in the form of rigid packaging curriculum or scripts ready classes. How can compel a teacher to two and a half feat in an interval from 10 to 12 hours of the day? Or compel children to make three discoveries? They were not barons Münchhausen. It is in his daily schedule was written commit feats. Research activities with the children described by the educational program rather than training. A educational program based on other grounds. It has top of the methods of learning rather than content. Contents of an increase in the work. I am afraid that not everyone understands this point of view. And not all of its shares.

- It's the plants. And a desire to spend on the organization of research work with children. A force of this really takes a lot. Therefore, such work can not be forced. It can not drop the top, to impose. And to the teacher decided to do so, it is something very much needs to change: and the view of the child, and their communication with him, and the meaning of education.Rabbits - Family dlinnouhih In the rabbit passport states that he belongs to a group of зa family of hares, rabbits race, referring to ordinary rabbit. But when look at the images of wild rabbit and think: is very similar to the hare. It seems not quite so. It is smaller and a hare, ears, and he has it short legs and tail are smaller.

Rabbits - surprisingly

Rabbits His skin is soft, top with brown or gray ohristym tone, and white below. All year round the same colored wild rabbit. Do not change it for the winter its coat. But the main difference between a hare and wild rabbit is not the point. Live animal quite differently. Krolchata born small, naked mole-rat, quite helpless. Zaychata, in contrast, are born fully autonomous: seeing in sherstku dressed and already in the first day after birth can run. Roll furry lump to his mother, drink thick fat milk - and is full for the week.

Heavy, with nearly covered their eyes and ears pressed against, zaychata noticeable among gray knots, dry leaves and bunches of last year's grass. Surprising ability to hide and cork rescues babies from multiple enemies. Still, they will not be seen from above, even so sharp-sighted eagle kite. A four-predators not uchuyut zaychat: podozhmut little paws and little would smell, because the sweat glands located in their paws on the pad. So alone grow and belyachihiny young kids. We hare zaychata lie in the nest.

Krolchiha same nurse their large family of five to eight, and sometimes fifteen-eighteen krolchat in the earth, where they are satisfied with the warm soft nest. There not afraid of them nor cold, nor rain. Yes, and predators before they can get. Indeed, when at dawn krolchiha leaves the hole, the entrance sand falls asleep. Breast-feed their babies, too infrequently, only once a day and always at the same time, those hours when krolchata the light appeared. Homeland wild rabbits - Western Europe. Especially a lot of them were in the current French and Spanish.

In the room

Wild rabbits were first tamed more than 2000 years ago. First they grow only in southern countries with warm, mild climate. And in the Middle Ages, rabbits were distributed throughout Europe. In some countries, they are released at will, while others tried to odomashnit. Where rabbits acclimatized and multiply, they are difficult to exterminate. They have become a real disaster for the population. Our donors animal destroyed gardens and even homes, gubili landing ravaged gardens. But not all rabbits have conditions: the winter cold, the rain continued. At the end of last century, a few wild rabbits were brought to this country from Switzerland. To make them some of Kherson and ashore Hadzibeevsky estuary near Odessa. Animal like this place.

Now wild rabbits found in our Black Sea coast on the Odessa, Mykolayiv and Kherson oblasts. North of them are not found. Live rabbits and in some islands of the Caspian Sea. In these places a bit of wild rabbits, and they are such a secretive night-life that many locals do not even know of their existence.

The first mention of the breeding of rabbits in Russia belong to the beginning of XI century. At the time, down to breed rabbits, which were called pestsovymi. The largest number of breeds of rabbits were removed in the XIX - XX centuries. First tried to create a rabbit meat breeds, and later began to pay attention to the quality of skin in order to bring animals with the most original and unique painting. Rabbits - surprisingly plastic substance. And scientists were literally conceived sculp rock. The external environment, the environment and selection - Principal Assistant breeders-krolikovodov. Lives in South America, a beautiful animal chinchilla. Little serenky gnawer the world-famous fur: strong, light, thick and a beautiful silver-gray with blue and pearl switch. Krolikovody decided to create a breed of rabbits, which would resemble its Skin overseas animals. Thus rabbit family enriched another breed.

Beautiful animal

Rabbits - surprisingly plastic substance. And scientists were literally conceived sculp rock. The external environment, the environment and selection - Principal Assistant breeders-krolikovodov. Lives in South America, a beautiful animal chinchilla. Little serenky gnawer the world-famous fur: strong, light, thick and a beautiful silver-gray with blue and pearl switch. Krolikovody decided to create a breed of rabbits, which would resemble its Skin overseas animals. Thus rabbit family enriched another breed.

The skin chinchillas, so called rock, beautiful, yes melkovaty were rabbits. Soviet scientists set out to bring rabbits large, quick, well-adapted to our climate. Sixteen years have worked to create a new breed. And indeed brought great rock - the Soviet chinchilla. The Constitution of the rabbits a strong, high vitality. The skin is silver, black and silver with black winding lines, runs on the ridge and the sides. Poduesh on wool to hair growth - the so-called rosette. It clearly visible zones of five colors: blue, light, dark, white and black top. This is a sign of pure rabbit.
Contents rabbits

In the personal subsidiary and farming of rabbits is recommended to contain only cells. In cellular system, the content may lead to breeding work, feed, spend frugally and effectively treat the animals and to implement preventive measures. Depending on the climatic conditions of the cell set outdoors - in the yard, gardening, etc. - Or on the premises. Applies to the combined content of rabbits: in the warm season - in the open air in the winter - in the room.

When cells in the backyard or shed must be borne in mind that rabbits carry bad draft, as well as raising or lowering the humidity. The speed air about rabbit cells should not exceed 30 cm / sec. The optimum relative humidity of 60-75%. The cells from rabbits can not be placed near the marshes, where the often fog and relative humidity is very high. Undisposed rabbits and in the field with relative humidity below 50%.

The electric lighting

Depending on the climatic conditions of the cell set outdoors - in the yard, gardening, etc. - Or on the premises. Applies to the combined content of rabbits: in the warm season - in the open air in the winter - in the room.When cells in the backyard or shed must be borne in mind that rabbits carry bad draft, as well as raising or lowering the humidity. The speed air about rabbit cells should not exceed 30 cm / sec. The optimum relative humidity of 60-75%. The cells from rabbits can not be placed near the marshes, where the often fog and relative humidity is very high. Undisposed rabbits and in the field with relative humidity below 50%.

When stationary cells in several layers useful in two rows, then one facade to another. At the same time when okrolov in the winter time the cell can be a removable cover a saddle roof. The distance between rows should be sufficient for free passage rights. Before winter ends of these passages should be close to any boards or swift sound film, and the roof over the passageway to hold the electric lighting.

When cells in the barns to ensure adequate illumination, and clean air.

The duration of illumination of at least 8-10 hours and not more than 16 hours a day, the intensity of illumination within 30-40 lx. In fattening rabbits illumination intensity can be reduced to 5-10 lux. The concentration of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide should not exceed respectively 0.01 and 0015 g per 1 liter of air. Selecting the type and structure of cells is dependent on climate, species and groups of animals (large, medium, small, tribal, commercial, adult, young).

Winter groups

The cells of adult rabbits of large and medium-sized meat-shkurkovyh down and rocks can be One and dvuhsektsionnymi. In dvuhsektsionnyh cells feed and nest section. One cell is recommended that the length of 80-110 cm, width 60 cm, dvuhsektsionnye respectively 130 and 60 cm, length 90 cm feeding branches, clustered - 40 cm height of 45-60 cm cell when a sufficient number of construction materials for large breeds of rabbits with weight in adulthood more than 5 kg and a length of dvuhsektsionnoy cells increased to better see 140-150 The size of the cells to a group of young determined by the number of krolchat, whom it contain. Typically, the length of the cells ranged from 200 to 300 cm, width 100 cm and the height can vary from 35 to 60 cm

Standard area for each adult rabbit in a cage One 0,5-0,7 m in dvuhsektsionnoy 0,78 m2. When placing a group of young on net floor area or reechnom cells per head should be at least 0.1 m for the merchandise and juvenile 0,17 m2 workshop for the young, and when content on the solid wooden floor, respectively, 0,2 and 0,3 m2. Trade and repair youngsters can be found in normal cells of adult rabbits - up to seven heads of young commercial or renovation of four females and males. Maintenance of females contain groups to identify sukrolnosti, then sit on one. Maintenance of male groups can contain only up to 3 months of age. Youngsters older than 3 months of age in the summer include one in a cage, and in winter groups.

When a group of young content most dramatically decreases the quality of skins males. Therefore, if the economy is not a sufficient number of cells in the individual contents of all rabbits, it is the cultivation of young skin is to first of all need to seat one of males and females contain the groups.

The construction

Prerequisites in the construction of rabbit cells of all types and designs are easy to manufacture, low cost, convenience, service animals, hygienic. Particular attention should be given to your sex cells. In areas with warm and temperate, with host cells in the yard and getting okrolov year-round and in other areas when okrolov only in the spring and summer in the rear compartment floor to the rabbit main stadla and maintenance of young advisable to do lattice (reechnye) from Solid trees - oak, maple, beech wood, plastic, a stamped metal or welded mesh, and in the breeding room and plug into the nest of solid wood. Such floors should be done, and in portable cells. In other cases, the cells should be constructed with complete tesovymi floors, or even better make a double floor. Continuous tesovye floors should be slanted. The slope is better to do in the posterior wall. Vertical height of the floor (slope) should be approximately 5 cm double floor, you can arrange a variety of ways, for example, nakladyvaya to reechny or mesh floor and removable tesovy floor. In the second case, the cell is the most hygienic.

Long time the rabbits on a net floor leads to Namin paws and diseases of rabbits pododermatitom. It is therefore advisable to put it Policom removable to be cleaned daily from the mud. Upon receipt of krolchih in year four and the cultivation of conventional okrolov 20 head of young per year and 4 months of age by one krolchihu the main stage with the young and the proportion of males is required to have at least 3,12 cells: 1 - to krolchihi, 0,12 - for male-producers (one male, eight females) and 2 young (an average of six to seven animals in a cage).

Of the whole variety of cells in rabbits were most prevalent dvuhsektsionnye cells. They are applied in different versions, one of which is shown in Fig.1On one double cell requires about 0,2 m of timber, 1,3-1,6 m2 metal grid on the floor and door, 0,3-0,5 m2 metal grid on the day nursery and 1,6 kg of nails.

Placed two containers

Equipment and tools. Feeders for concentrate feed and root crops, as well as drinkers to be embedded in the anterior (front) wall of the cell, as well as cling care for rabbits. Feeders should be 50-60 cm in length and arrange them so that the center of gravity feeding is inside cells, and therefore in the normal state of their external sides pressed for the front walls of the cells.

Types of feeding krolikovDlya to podsosnye krolchata not climb in the crib and does not damage it, we should make the top removable metal frame to the transverse bulkheads of wire every 6 cm along the length of feeding. If such a framework does not, you need to feed obit edge of the metal plate or a thick wire. By the same principle is embedded metal and drinking bowl. For the feeding of grains and granules can be used hopper samokormushki, laying them food once a day. Lay in their feed at once for 2-3 days, as recommended by some authors, it should not be, because that violates the principle of normalized feeding rabbits.

If the cells do not have built-feeding and poilok, you can use the insert. The design and dimensions of them can be very diverse. However, they must be resistant to roll, as well as easy to clean. As such feeding and poilok example a thick-walled clay cups and ordinary tin cans. To ensure that they do not overturn their record in different ways: sweat below the hook and swing to the goods, put the bank up to a wall cell and bind to its sliding rod or a large nail, insert the bank in the locking ring, fixed one end of the cell wall, etc.

In each cell must be placed two containers: one to feed another - for water.

Types of nurseries rabbiting When the content of young rabbits in the summer range for grass and hay can be made with a folding crib dvuskatnoy cover. Length of day nurseries is selected depending on the number of rabbits in the pen. The distance between the rods of 30 mm. The rods can be replaced with a mesh size of cells 35h35 mm. To concentrate feed in range must be separated with a trough-shaped trough (that they do not climb rabbits), and water - roughly the same group drinkers.

Drinkers from pollution

As water use and the usual bottles, which fill with water and placed in the neck drinkers, or connecting them with the latter through a rubber tube. For krolchih to the top of the offspring of such drinkers should be placed at the level of 5-8 cm, and for the young after jigging from mothers and adult rabbits without offspring - at a height of 10-12 cm from the sex cells. The water level is set at about 1 cm from the top of the drinkers. When the device such poilok need to strive to make it more part of the interior of cells no more than 3 cm, as this will prevent drinkers from pollution.

Avtopoilku for rabbits can be drawn from a storage tank, regulator with tank float device and the funnel or grooved poilok. If you have a plumbing need a storage tank in the voids. Floating device will help to maintain a constant water level in the drinking bowl. The disadvantage of this system is that cells need to be placed horizontally at the same level. Allowable slope water pipes should not exceed 0.05 cm to 1 m length of pipe. Fig. 6,7 and 8 shows the main types of feeding, nurseries and poilok for rabbits. Avtopoilki krolikovDlya for the transport of large and voluminous cargo (grass, hay, etc.) in each sector should be light and strong trolley load capacity of 70-100 kg. Two carriages on rubber fly about the same load capacity are available, but you can make them yourself, using the wheels of bicycles, mopeds, motor scooters or motorcycles.

For cleaning area where the rabbits and cleaning the cells must have some tools: broom, rake, shovel, broom, rake, shovel, bucket, and storage of disinfectants. After cleaning each cell used tools (broom, rake, shovel), it was down to 3-5%-ing kreolina solution or Lysol.

The research

And it will not differ from the scheme, which usually operates an adult scientist. Yes. But if the teacher has not explored how it can engage in such activities with the children?

Specifics of the research training that you can teach what he did not know how. But you should be open to new skills. And this should contribute to raising the overall situation. And a teacher and activities, and activities of children. Because it ridiculous to believe that research can be organized in the cool-fixed system in the presence of 26 people in a group or class. Research calls for new forms of learning, individual work, work in pairs or in groups. And it is not usual for a teacher in the form of rigid packaging curriculum or scripts ready classes. How can compel a teacher to two and a half feat in an interval from 10 to 12 hours of the day? Or compel children to make three discoveries? They were not barons Münchhausen. It is in his daily schedule was written commit feats. Research activities with the children described by the educational program rather than training. A educational program based on other grounds. It has top of the methods of learning rather than content. Contents of an increase in the work.

- I am afraid that not everyone understands this point of view. And not all of its shares.

- It's the plants. And a desire to spend on the organization of research work with children. A force of this really takes a lot. Therefore, such work can not be forced. It can not drop the top, to impose. And to the teacher decided to do so, it is something very much needs to change: and the view of the child, and their communication with him, and the meaning of education.

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