Thursday, March 19, 2009

Beautiful animal

Rabbits - surprisingly plastic substance. And scientists were literally conceived sculp rock. The external environment, the environment and selection - Principal Assistant breeders-krolikovodov. Lives in South America, a beautiful animal chinchilla. Little serenky gnawer the world-famous fur: strong, light, thick and a beautiful silver-gray with blue and pearl switch. Krolikovody decided to create a breed of rabbits, which would resemble its Skin overseas animals. Thus rabbit family enriched another breed.

The skin chinchillas, so called rock, beautiful, yes melkovaty were rabbits. Soviet scientists set out to bring rabbits large, quick, well-adapted to our climate. Sixteen years have worked to create a new breed. And indeed brought great rock - the Soviet chinchilla. The Constitution of the rabbits a strong, high vitality. The skin is silver, black and silver with black winding lines, runs on the ridge and the sides. Poduesh on wool to hair growth - the so-called rosette. It clearly visible zones of five colors: blue, light, dark, white and black top. This is a sign of pure rabbit.
Contents rabbits

In the personal subsidiary and farming of rabbits is recommended to contain only cells. In cellular system, the content may lead to breeding work, feed, spend frugally and effectively treat the animals and to implement preventive measures. Depending on the climatic conditions of the cell set outdoors - in the yard, gardening, etc. - Or on the premises. Applies to the combined content of rabbits: in the warm season - in the open air in the winter - in the room.

When cells in the backyard or shed must be borne in mind that rabbits carry bad draft, as well as raising or lowering the humidity. The speed air about rabbit cells should not exceed 30 cm / sec. The optimum relative humidity of 60-75%. The cells from rabbits can not be placed near the marshes, where the often fog and relative humidity is very high. Undisposed rabbits and in the field with relative humidity below 50%.

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