Thursday, March 19, 2009

The electric lighting

Depending on the climatic conditions of the cell set outdoors - in the yard, gardening, etc. - Or on the premises. Applies to the combined content of rabbits: in the warm season - in the open air in the winter - in the room.When cells in the backyard or shed must be borne in mind that rabbits carry bad draft, as well as raising or lowering the humidity. The speed air about rabbit cells should not exceed 30 cm / sec. The optimum relative humidity of 60-75%. The cells from rabbits can not be placed near the marshes, where the often fog and relative humidity is very high. Undisposed rabbits and in the field with relative humidity below 50%.

When stationary cells in several layers useful in two rows, then one facade to another. At the same time when okrolov in the winter time the cell can be a removable cover a saddle roof. The distance between rows should be sufficient for free passage rights. Before winter ends of these passages should be close to any boards or swift sound film, and the roof over the passageway to hold the electric lighting.

When cells in the barns to ensure adequate illumination, and clean air.

The duration of illumination of at least 8-10 hours and not more than 16 hours a day, the intensity of illumination within 30-40 lx. In fattening rabbits illumination intensity can be reduced to 5-10 lux. The concentration of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide should not exceed respectively 0.01 and 0015 g per 1 liter of air. Selecting the type and structure of cells is dependent on climate, species and groups of animals (large, medium, small, tribal, commercial, adult, young).

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