Thursday, March 19, 2009

Placed two containers

Equipment and tools. Feeders for concentrate feed and root crops, as well as drinkers to be embedded in the anterior (front) wall of the cell, as well as cling care for rabbits. Feeders should be 50-60 cm in length and arrange them so that the center of gravity feeding is inside cells, and therefore in the normal state of their external sides pressed for the front walls of the cells.

Types of feeding krolikovDlya to podsosnye krolchata not climb in the crib and does not damage it, we should make the top removable metal frame to the transverse bulkheads of wire every 6 cm along the length of feeding. If such a framework does not, you need to feed obit edge of the metal plate or a thick wire. By the same principle is embedded metal and drinking bowl. For the feeding of grains and granules can be used hopper samokormushki, laying them food once a day. Lay in their feed at once for 2-3 days, as recommended by some authors, it should not be, because that violates the principle of normalized feeding rabbits.

If the cells do not have built-feeding and poilok, you can use the insert. The design and dimensions of them can be very diverse. However, they must be resistant to roll, as well as easy to clean. As such feeding and poilok example a thick-walled clay cups and ordinary tin cans. To ensure that they do not overturn their record in different ways: sweat below the hook and swing to the goods, put the bank up to a wall cell and bind to its sliding rod or a large nail, insert the bank in the locking ring, fixed one end of the cell wall, etc.

In each cell must be placed two containers: one to feed another - for water.

Types of nurseries rabbiting When the content of young rabbits in the summer range for grass and hay can be made with a folding crib dvuskatnoy cover. Length of day nurseries is selected depending on the number of rabbits in the pen. The distance between the rods of 30 mm. The rods can be replaced with a mesh size of cells 35h35 mm. To concentrate feed in range must be separated with a trough-shaped trough (that they do not climb rabbits), and water - roughly the same group drinkers.

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